Tuesday, September 29, 2009

5 months

Wow! Little Samantha is 5 months old! After three weeks of shush/pat and pick up/put down using the methods of The Baby Whisperer, nap time and bed time have gotten a lot easier. As long as I get her to bed in time (there is a definite window of opportunity and if we miss it we are screwed), things go rather smoothly. So my little one is no longer sleep deprived and is a lot happier in spite of her bedtime protests.

We've been taking a Stroller Strides class at the park and the mall. I love it. Samantha is mildly amused at the sight of all the moms lined up doing squats and push-ups. Boy, does it ever feel good to be moving again! I attempted four miles with Samantha in the jogging stroller today and my knee told me to quit at 3, so I walked the last mile, but we did well. Samantha slept through the last half.

Samantha is so adorable. She flashes her beautiful smile (just like her dad's) at everyone she meets. Life is good.