Friday, June 26, 2009

10 Weeks!

Samantha is a beautiful, smart, 10-week old girl! Her fussiness has definitely decreased, though she'll still let me know when she's bored and needs a different view or activity. She slept through the night Wednesday night and last night! She's noticed her hands and cracks me up when she crosses her eyes trying to look at them. She will hold on to toys that I put in her hand and watch as she waves them around. She's figured out that she can make the mobile over her cradle move by kicking and rolling around.

2 month shots were a little rough. She got a low-grade fever and slept and cried a lot for the next two days. She refused to be held by anyone other than her parents and she did NOT appreciate being hauled all over town two days after her shots to pick up her birth certificate, try out her new jogging stroller, and go out to dinner with Mommy's friends.

She's a lot of fun now that she's more interactive and I'm getting more than 2 hours of sleep at a time!

Monday, June 15, 2009

8 weeks

Aunt Lisa and Uncle Jared came to visit this weekend, and we were all really happy to see them. Samantha enjoyed snuggling up to them and she loved the seahorse toy they brought for her. Samantha had a really busy weekend. She played a new game with her daddy (she held his finger and used her abs to lift her bottom and legs up over and over again), she sat in her swing for a long time without crying, she rocked her rocker by kicking her legs and made the toys on it move, she went to REI, Chili's and Steak 'n Shake, and she went 4 hours between feedings at night instead of 2, which meant I got 3 hours of sleep between feedings instead of 1!

Things seem to be getting easier around here. She's smiling more and more every day. She always smiles at her mobile when I change her diaper in the morning. She can sit quietly and look at things on her own for a few minutes without crying to be carried around, and she actually enjoys diaper time and tolerates clothing changes (if she's not hungry). I was even able to eat cheese without hurting her tummy! I may actually be able to get some things done in the mornings during naptime and those brief periods during which she can entertain herself! Of course, nothing beats snuggling my baby girl.